It's time to act

Take the Pledge

Join BRP, our fellow members of ISMA, and the entire snowmobile community — including BRP President and CEO José Boisjoli — in taking The Pledge to preserve access to our favorite winter playgrounds and snowmobile trails.


Since the inception of the first snowmobile trail system, our sport has depended on access to private and public lands. Trespassing and illegal off-trail riding is threatening that snowmobiling access. This is why we’re asking all our passionate riders to stand with us and take The Pledge to ride only where it’s allowed, so we can ensure our sport continues to flourish today, and for future generations of riders.


I realize that illegal off trail riding is closing access for all snowmobilers and endangering our riding freedoms. This is about more than my personal rights or my wishes - this is about the good of the entire community.

  • I Pledge to ride off trail only where I know it’s legal and accepted
  • I Pledge to check before going off trail if I don't know the area
  • I Pledge to protect access for future generations by doing the right thing
  • I Pledge to protect access by encouraging those I ride with to take the Pledge also

What Does Taking the Pledge Mean to our Ambassadors?

Jason Ribi

Lynx Backcountry rider from British Columbia

"Life is a crazy journey; snowmobiles are my escape. It’s why I’m taking The Pledge to respect land access boundaries and preserve the ride."

Colton Sturm

Lynx Trail rider from Michigan

"The sport of snowmobiling as we know it depends on access to both public and private land. Respecting that access is the only way to preserve the sport we all love for future generations."

Join us in taking The Pledge

Help us protect our winter playgrounds and trails.