What is the learning key?

Instead of a physical metal key, Lynx snowmobiles are built with an exclusive digital electronic key called the programmable learning key. The snowmobile can not be moved without this digital key plugged into the console. The learning key also acts as a tether cord that attaches to your jacket, so if the key is unplugged from the vehicle, the ignition is cut and the engine stops. In this instance, if you were to fall off of the snowmobile the engine would stop immediately!

The learning key is also great as a spare key. You can use one key for multiple sleds, which means that if someone in your goup looses their key while out on a ride, you can save the day and pull out your learning key!

Lynx 4-stroke models snowmobiles can be controlled with a programmable learning key version that acts as an electronic limiter of the vehicle’s power and speed. This device (easily identified by its green color) acts as the “key” to start the machine but also limit how fast the sled can go and how much power is available. This feature is especially helpful when novice or less experienced riders are using the machine as they are only allowed to access a pre-determined power and speed level that can be fine-tuned to their skill and experience. It makes a single machine act like different machines, depending on which learning key is installed and how the key is programmed.

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