How to update the software on the Lynx 10.25” touchscreen display

This winter, we want to help you reach your peak of fun – this starts with figuring out touchscreen updates. The Lynx 10.25” touchscreen display offers an ever-growing array of capabilities that elevate your snow adventures – especially when combined with the BRP GO! app. Did you know its features are also designed to make your snowmobile experience easier than ever? One of the ways it does this is letting you update the software in the display anywhere you’ve got an internet connection. Let’s look at how these over-the-air (OTA) updates work.

Why should you update the 10.25” Touchscreen Display?

The 10.25” display has Wi-Fi connectivity to connect to your home network or any other wireless internet connection, and update the software running your snowmobile screen. 

Just like for your mobile devices, you can update the advanced technology in your display to add new features, interface improvements, security updates and more. With the built-in Wi-Fi capability, you can update your snowmobile display to the latest version from the comfort of your home without going to the dealership.

How do I update my Lynx 10.25” Display?

Update your display quickly and easily with these steps.

Important information before updating the software of the display

  • Do not update while driving.

  • With the OTA update tool (SKU 515179997), display software updates can occur without starting the engine (the screen will power up and remain visibly on until you unplug it).

  • Without the OTA update tool, ensure the display remains powered even if the engine is off.

  • Ensure adequate vehicle battery charge before proceeding. To avoid interruptions due to low battery, we advise using a charger during the update.

STEP 1: Connect your display to a Wi-Fi network

a) On the main Applet menu, select “Preferences,” and then “Wi-Fi” from the list on the left.

b) Then select “Add New Network,” find the network you’d like to connect to from the list that appears on screen, and enter the password.

*If no Wi-Fi network is available near the vehicle, you can share your smartphone cellular network by hotspot (here's how to do it for Apple and Android devices). Just note cellular data fees may apply.
*The 10,25'' touchscreen display will only connect to a secured network

Accessing the Wi-Fi settings on the 10.25" Touchscreen Display

Adding the wifi password in the settings of the 10,25'' touchscreen display

STEP 2: Download and install the new software version

c) Once connected to Wi-Fi, select “General” from the list on the left.

d) Select "Software Update", then the available update (if any).

*Please note that the system will automatically check if a new update is available when the display is connected to an Internet network and the "General" section is open.

Accessing the general preferences on the 10,25'' touchscreen display

Select the available software update on the 10,25'' touchscreen display

e) Press “Download Update” and the process will begin.

Downloading update on the 10,25'' touchscreen display

f) Once the download is completed, press "Install Update".

*The download and install process should take about 10-20 minutes (depending on the strength of your Internet network).

Installing update on the 10,25'' touchscreen display

Do not turn off your vehicle during the software install of the 10,25'' touchscreen display

Once the software update process is completed, your Lynx display will reboot, and you’ll be equipped with all the latest capabilities for your next snowmobile adventures. It’s time to start riding again!

If you’re looking for more Lynx how-to’s and tips, check out the Owner Zone of our website. Enjoy the ride!

Frequently asked questions

The system will automatically check if a new update is available when the display is connected to an Internet network and the "General" section (in "Parameters") is open.

  • Make sure that the network you are using has a connection of 2.4GHz and is secured. The 10.25" display may experience connection issues with 5GHz Wi-Fi networks.
  • If no Wi-Fi network is available near the vehicle, you can share your smartphone cellular network by hotspot (here's how to do it for Apple and Android devices). Just note cellular data fees may apply.
  • If your hotspot is not working, make sure that your phone's name does not contain an apostrophe (ex: Can-Am's iPhone). This could cause a connection problem with your phone's hotspot. Simply remove the apostrophe of your phone's name in your phone's settings.

To know which software version you have: Go in the Vehicle applet and then in Vehicle Information. You can see the "BRP Software #" there.

You can simply start your vehicle's engine to give more battery voltage.