How to adjust chain tension on a Lynx snowmobile?

It is important to check the tension of the drive chain of your Lynx snowmobile. It should be done after the first 75 km, and after that every 500 km. The adjustment is easy and quick to do with the following instructions.

1. Take the torx end of the driven pulley expander, found under the left side panel of your Lynx snowmobile.

2. Remove the right side panel to expose the chaincase. You will find the tensioner bolt behind the chaincase.

3. Gently turn the tensioner with the tool clockwise to eliminate the play. Turn the tool until you feel resistance. Do not over tighten. Then turn the tensioner half a turn back until you hear a click.

4. Put the panels back and put the driven pulley expander tool back to its proper place.

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